The Future of Work Program is a BHP funded initiative that launched in 2021 to support skills development in regional Australia.

Supporting the future of regional Australia.

The Future of Work Program is your chance to undertake an eligible course from the Regional Education and Skills Program (RESP) or an advanced apprenticeship and upskill, reskill or learn new skills.

There has been fantastic demand for RESP and all remaining places have now been filled and applications have closed. Visit the RESP page and FAQs for more information.

All remaining RESP places have been filled, and applications have now closed.

About the Future of Work Program

Building a successful and resilient workforce for the future will play a vital part in Australia’s economic recovery. As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic we need to resolve skill shortages in regional areas.

This is why BHP and the Australian Government Department of Education have come together to form the Future of Work Program and promote skills development in regional Australia.

This program is designed to prepare people to become the regional workforce of the future. It will create 1,000 skills development opportunities by funding students undertaking an eligible course from the Regional Education and Skills Program or an advanced apprenticeship in target regional areas.

The target regions for the program are:

  • Bowen Basin and Mackay in Queensland

  • Upper Spencer Gulf and Roxby Downs in South Australia

  • The Pilbara and Goldfields regions in Western Australia

  • The Upper Hunter Region in New South Wales

Regional Education and Skills Program

Eligible students will gain a unique opportunity to receive a financial contribution towards their tuition fees for a VET or University course of their choosing. All remaining RESP places have now been filled and applications have closed.

Advanced Apprenticeship Program

Similar to the traditional apprenticeship model, students are paid by an employer to undertake structured on-the-job training as part of their course requirements. Applications have closed for 2024.

Search your postcode

Type your postcode in the box below to
search if you’re in an eligible location.

  • The Regional Education and Skills Program (RESP) is a BHP funded initiative that has been launched as part of the Future of Work Program to support skills development in regional Australia. RESP supports eligible students to pursue University and VET courses by providing funding to contribute towards their tuition fees for an approved course of their choosing that commences in 2025. 

  • The Regional Education and Skills Program (RESP) commenced in 2023, with applications closing in July 2024. In February 2025, applications for the Program reopened with limited places remaining for students commencing their chosen course in 2025. All places have now been filled and applications have closed. 

  • For the purpose of the Future of Work Program, an advanced apprentice is a person who is employed with a registered employer, and is enrolled in a higher education course.

    Similar to the traditional apprenticeship model, advanced apprentices are paid by an employer to undertake structured on-the-job training as part of their course requirements. However, unlike a traditional apprenticeship, advanced apprentices will graduate with a university qualification.

  • Applications for the Advanced Apprenticeship Program have now closed. 

Frequently asked questions

The five most commonly asked questions are: